Hill Inlet at Sunset. Introducing ‘Love of Light’

Hill Inlet at Sunset. Introducing ‘Love of Light’

Written by: Brooke Miles



Time to read 1 min

Sunset is a truly spectacular time of the day, especially when you’re cruising at 800ft above sea level, camera in hand, ready to capture!

Aerials are special at every time of day, but at sunset I particularly love how the light hugs each nook and ridge, every rise in sand dune and tree leaf.

The light envelops each edge with a soft shadow and it is PURELY MAGICAL.  


Every day of the week we get a golden hour, and every day it gives a different colour and vibe. On this day the pinks came through in a soft magenta hue, still allowing the blues to pop, as Hill Inlet does so well. 

I envy the lucky humans taking in this the sunset at ground level from their sailboats. Tucked away in the safety of the inlet.  They might stay for a day or they might stay for a week, just soaking up the beauty of the Whitsundays. 

Immediately I switched up the lens to a telephoto 70-200mm, allowing for a tighter image that takes your eye into this section of the inlet. Well, that was the aim anyway!

The Finer Details

Piece name: Love of Light.

Limited Edition Print: No

Medium and size of piece in image:   Fine Art Print, Framed or Unframed, Metal, Framed Canvas, Wood Block or Acyrlic   Any size available.

Subject Matter: Late afternoon light setting on Hill Inlet

Location of shot:  Hill Inlet, Whitehaven Beach, Whitsundays QLD

Equipment Used: Canon EOS R5 + 70-200mm f2.8 @ 80mm

Depth/Height: Approx 800ft ‘Above’ 


More stunning aerial prints from the newest collection...

Did you know we are now a member of 1% For The Planet?

1% for the Planet member

Being a member of 1% For The Planet means we give 1% of our total annual sales to help fund environmental organisations for the people and the planet. 

We're always trying to do better.

That's all for now. 

I hope you enjoyed viewing these prints as much as we have.

If you need any help choosing the right image for your space please don't hesitate to reach out on the contact page

See you next month for another news feature.

Thanks for reading and cheers from The Whitsundays 🌞

Brooke x