- The Great Barrier Reef -

- The Great Barrier Reef -


Dive into a world of unparalleled beauty and biodiversity with Brooke’s captivating Great Barrier Reef photographic collection.

The Great Barrier Reef, all 350,000 square kilometres of it, is a natural wonder like no other, and although Brooke has only touched but a portion of it, she has skilfully captured its magnificence in every frame.

This collection showcases the vibrant colors, mesmerising marine life, and breathtaking landscapes of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. From the intricate coral formations to the graceful dance of marine life, every image tells a story of the Reef's irreplaceable ecosystem.

Each photograph is a testament to the Reef's fragile yet resilient nature, reminding us of the urgent need to protect and preserve this natural wonder for future generations.

Join us in celebrating the Great Barrier Reef's unparalleled beauty and supporting its conservation, as with every purchase from Above and Below Gallery we donate 1% to an organisation through our 1% For The Planet commitment.

Start your journey today with our stunning Great Barrier Reef photography.


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Personal Advice. The right print for the right space.

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Supporting the community

1% For The Planet commitment + Local Donations

Coral reef veins spread across green, blue, aqua, turquise coloured water
plethora of blue Damsel Fish swimming in large pack with blue waters surrounding
large Maori Wrasse patterned blue, green and yellow colours before hard and soft coral behind
green sea turtle swimming above reef floor smaller fish in the background
city of coral reef in many different colours and shapes dotted with hiding tiny blue and yellow fish
sea turtle gliding across coral reef with small yellow fishing darting around
terrace of red pink shelf like coral leading to a bed of reef as fish swim above
pointy flowering coral with rainbows of coloured reef around it green yellow blue purple pink
Pathway to Eden
field of reef with a large coral formation with schools of fish to the background
aerial of blue ocean and sky with fringing reef and an island of coral reef creating turquiose coloured water
large island of coral reef with waves breaking on the surface and the darker deep blue is beyond
Hardy's Veins
aerial of veiny coral reef amongst turquiose water deep water beyond with large boats on anchor
large heart shaped coral reef island surrounded by turquise water and more reef
Blue Traveller
dark blue deep channel of water creating a river between green blue and brown fringing reef
blue waters and sky surrounding large reef island waves breaking with sailing vessel in bottom left
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